
Happy Birthday Carrie

my baby girl is 25 
let me say that again, 
my baby is 25

I think that officially makes me feel old

just a little family dinner of your favorites
cheese tortellini with chicken
assorted sauces and roasted vegetables

we missed Ryan (working) and Kelly (Illinois)

Dylan always volunteers to help open presents

I love how you still close your eyes to make a wish

your dessert of choice, peanut butter pie

and I couldn't resist this adorable little owl cake from Publix
because you love all things owls

twenty five years ago I became a mom for the last time

I went into labor on Thanksgiving day just as I finished making our
Thanksgiving dinner.   Of course I couldn't eat but everyone was able to finish
and clean up before I had to head to the hospital.  You were two weeks late
which was convenient because your sister had just gotten out of the hospital
the day before after a 7 day stay.   You were thoughtful that way.  :-)

You were a very sweet baby girl with the most black hair 
I had ever seen on a newborn.  You were a big girl (10 lbs 3 ounces) and
21 inches long.  When you were born your collar bone broke but you 
never cried with it, not one time.

You slept through the night from day 1.  Yes, that's what I said


our lives would be taking a tumultuous turn over
the next few years and I am so thankful that God saw
fit to bless me with such a calm, sweet and beautiful little girl

Happy Birthday Carrie

Keep closing your eyes when you make wishes, work hard and dream big.

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