
The Bird Restaurant

Mike came across an bird feeder when he cleaned out the garage and decided to paint it and hang it in the tree in the backyard.  He went with orange.  He thought it would be appropriate because fall is just around the corner (fingers crossed) plus we already had it on hand.   He took it apart and painted it and put it back together, went to the store for bird seed and got chains to hang it in the tree.  When he came he said I'll bet we'll have birds in no time.

It didn't take long to have our first visitor.  He went out a few hours later to take Koby for a walk and this is what he found.

                           I think he likes the little orange house and he makes it a point to stay close. 
                                                       Even if your looking directly at him.

He completely emptied out the entire container in one day.  We're not sure if he ate it 
all or invited his friends.  Not sure how the birds are gonna get any food.

Dylan came over to spend the night and when we went in the pool he saw the bird feeder. 
 He asked what it was for and I told him it was a bird house so Poppy can feed the birds. 
 He said "Nana, I think you mean a bird restaurant".  ha  

You're exactly right little buddy!

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